Wednesday, March 19, 2008

in love with the pain...
in love with the silent screams that chike my throat...
in love with the knife that freezes my blood...
in love with the silence that covers my nerves...
in love with the eyes beautifully stoned...
in love with the words that could make the sanest man laugh like mad...
in love with hope... the most sarcastic word i ever heard...
in love with my life.....
ahhhh... nothing to say... silence will be enough...
sleep never comes...
forever my eyes droop in darkness..
the haunted dark...the beautiful dark...
dark surrounded by shadows of ghosts...
living ghosts... burried ghosts...
ghosts of life...
ghosts of death...
ghosts of sound...
ghosts of breathe...
strangling my freedom...strangling my death...
to give me a beautiful as death...

and in want of life i stand empty...
to be fullfilled by the darkness of life...
they say im strong... but i have no courage...
i have no courage to put myself to death...