Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Clouds Of Mist.............

And it gathers again today...
my very own clouds of mist...
slowly it appears..
one blue line.. absurd.. abstract...
appears from nowhere.. in the bright blue sky..
it merges and disappears..
and i thought all was fine..
but suddenly it was all dark...
dark blue.. dark black..

benumbed i stand.. gazing blindly
into my clouds of mist...
i stand.. shivering.. i stand still...
calling from far..
is my bright blue sky...

complete i am.. all sound.. all senses..
complete i am.. with my clouds of mist...
slowly i see them piercing my soul..
slowly i see them all over me..
and i sweat..
sweat in those vicious black vapours...
its breaking the hope.. with its dark blue veins..
coiling around...
and i turn cold.. my neves turn white..

a beat is skipped...
a rhythm lost...
and i just stumbled..
ah! that hurts..
it leaves a mark..
i loose my vision..
so does the world..
in this cloud of mist...

and yet one can see..
red it shines..
one can only see the mark
in this vicious dark...

benumbed i stand.. forever..
into my very own..
clouds of mist............


Alok Ranjan said...
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black rainbow said...

jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.