Monday, November 16, 2009

Silence Rushes By.................

Streaming down the narrow gulf..
Rushes unto the ocean wide..
Holding on to scattered visions...
Silence rushes by...

Compelled to break all bonds..
The cold will ruin the warmth...
And fallen away the wastefull rain...
Turned forever to snowfall....

The snow will fall to fill up the patches...
As the land below would cease to breathe...
And eternity would take to break the Ice..
No fire will turn on the Light..

Light the fire before Eternity Bonds..
And Slaves we become to the Immortal Wounds..

The night Approaches numb...
Cold is the wounded night...
Holding on to scattered visions...
Silence rushes by...

Pretty lies the snow so white..
Holding the Dark visions inside..
And poison is always slow and bright...
Until it colds the heart inside...

Unforbidden, the rain falls...
Sowes the land fresh...
Forbidden snow will soon cover..
The land forbidden to breath(e)...

And lying below my immortal soul...
Would freeze to eternity..

Falling from the bright blue sky...
Exhaling the cold windless nights...
Far from an unfaithfull ear
Whining away, the music dies...
Waving flakes make no noise...
Freezing all that comes and goes...
Silence hushes by.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dark Night Engulf me in Your Arms.....
Wanna see no more the Rising Sun...
Wanna hear no more the Birds at 4...
Wanna dream no more what can never be True....

Dark night engulf me in your arms....
Cant see whats written in my Fate Forever...
Could be somethin.. I wanted to Dream Never....
How much did a rose dream a life in a Palace..
But forgot it could never escape from Its Skin Of Thorns....

Dark Night Engulf me in your Arms..

And We Love The Rain But We Could Never..
For we let it wash Away, thats gives us Pleasure...
It Can Either Stay Or Be Loved...
Thats her Fate..
And She pours Down Again and Again..
Its drying Now.. Who Would Save The Storm...

Dark night Engulf Me In Your Arms....

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today once again I felt my silence come and sit besides me...
No today I am not unhappy... but peace... in absolute peace I lay...
Still there is a wave of disturbance in my heart which tells me that a big storm is awaiting...
I remember mentioning the silence after the storm... here I talk of its nature before one...

The silence that provokes ones mind with memories of the past,
That deadly silence is pathetic
But not as much as the silence which brings about the splintering thoughts of future
Which makes one shudder..
Changing circumstances in one's life can create a monotonous space.
It ain't easy, I agree, to accept and compromise on past,
Which has already inflicted injury upon us,
But isnt it more trembling a fact to compromise on forthcoming miseries...

Its like the fate of a leaf which is half brown, half green and who's seen his companions,
The brown leaves fall from their branch and mingle into the brown earth...
How hard would it be for the leaf to accept that he has to meet one day the same end...
Silence, that burns one from inside,
On the very thought of the known and
Yet to come future is what I talk of today...

It is restless, excited and active
Unlike the silence which proceeds these disastrous nerve wrecking events
Which in contrast is fatigued, inactive, and deadly...
This silence is not deadly, it is full of life.
It is restless... restless in want of making a change...
A change in order to avoid the future... to avoid the inevitable future...

Silence which proceeds has born all its consequences,
It knows of its own nature and what harm it can cause,
As has already inflicted on one being...
But the silence which precedes is an opposite and dangerous to what the first has been...
In extreme cases it can also turn one insane or mindless...

Today once again I feel my silence come and sit besides me...
It has made the dead alive, the peace restless and
Transformed the inactive dullness of my life
To an active and exciting voice of pain...
My heart today shirks of its own thoughts
And fears the forthcoming circumstances... the nerverecking future...

It fears how they would affect its previously affected wavelengths
How pathetic can one circumstance make out of an already dead soul
But that consolation I cannot give my heart today,
As this silence has brought in dead
The waves of life.
But that of a pain greater than any other...

Im not unhappy today
Im just restless, to bring about a change, somehow
So as to stop those waves of life...
To escape the boundaries of my heart...
Once again...


I see it crawling, somewhere near the shore...
Its been long since i saw it, a decade since its last visit...
It approaches, slowly near me, scared but constant steps,
she comes closer...
She peeps but finds no danger, perhaps the time has come...
When i meet my silence again...

Silence, My Love..................................................................

How could i stay so far from you..
when you've armed my growth, my birth....
How could i not miss you.....
when you're all i'v ever heard.........

And now that you are close, i can feel your essence....

I can feel my heart sinking in you.....
I can feel my soul craving for you...
For in your cold arms..
it will find refuge.......

And ever since you left, this world has been a nightmare....
There is no end to layers, however much i see...
And yet nothing could ever replace, your arms of care...
Those venemous arms, that could numb whatever i feel.....

I need that venoum back into my nerves,
Long time i confess i was addicted to you...
And though i was reformed, not just once, since you left..
None could cure m,y disease, I still welcome you....

I see her clearly now, on the shore, her fear is now gone...
And since she heard my vows of despair,
she believes now, she could win me...
All she waits is for an arm top open,
to welcome her, into my soul.....

I wish you had been earlier than this....
Cause im no more used to you....
But if you cant be my refuge....
I'll be forever you......

I'll wrap my soul in you...
and become one with you...
Cause Silence my love... You're the one...
My soulmate, My being, My birth, My death...
My father, My mother..
And ah!!!!!!!!!!! My truth.......